Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Khaki Matka - An Indian Cultural Art



It seems that there is no end to people's fascination with Madhur Matka. Almost every cartoon character in one form or another has gotten a commercial where they were featured. In recent times, Madhur Matka became popular in the Hindi movie, Kaal Bhai Kiya. A character named Vimala appeared in an animated advertisement for a rival product called Pappu. Vimala's role was used to promote a new gambling machine called the Pappu Laddu.


This was just part of a series of advertisements for Pappu Laddu. Vimala appears to be a favorite among Punjabi men, who wear traditional sarees and kurta pyjama to match. When the cartoon character of Madhur Matka enters a bazaar, it is not uncommon to see a group of men waiting for her. The best satta games on a mashup data are often won by purchasing these gifts from her.


One of the most popular games for a madhur matka is to see who can accumulate the most numbers first. Each player starts with fifteen. The game is run for two hours and then the players have to collect all the cards. If any player has fewer cards than the others, she has to buy additional cards in addition to those she already has.


Vimala has become extremely popular because the main Mumbai ratan theatre that is located in Vaddera village is regularly visited by tourists from all over the country. The theatre has been performing for over twenty years and continues to entertain hundreds of visitors a day. The success of madhur matka at Vaddera has encouraged other small theatre towns in and around Mumbai to also organize their own versions of these popular shows.



Numbers from seven to thirteen are always important. At the end of the show, the winner is declared. If a player wins more cards than the other players combined, she gets to keep the prize money and the loser has to get the number of points divided between the winning player and the loser. It is important that only the player with the most marks at the end of the show wins so that there is an even competition among the participants. The main aim of the game is to get the highest possible score in a short period of time.



The first day of the festival was on August 4th and was a time of celebrations and joyous celebration. On that day, ratan played a very interesting show and won the first ever khaki data. On August 7th, the competition was won by madhur bazaar who later became known as the Queen of the Khaki Matkari. There is an annual festival on the first Sunday of August in Vaddera, Mumbai where all the khaki shops are closed and people attend a celebration. On this day, the matka performance of madhur bar is spectacular and it draws tourists from all around the country.



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