Wednesday, September 13, 2023

What Is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical weight loss can be an effective and safe option for anyone who has struggled with trying to lose weight on their own. It is especially beneficial for those who have tried traditional methods such as dieting and exercise but failed to achieve sustainable results. However, medical weight loss is not a quick fix and it will still require commitment and dedication from the individual to see results. It is important to set realistic goals that are attainable and to have a support network to help keep individuals motivated throughout the process.

What Is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical Weight Loss, also known as medically-supervised weight loss, is a program that is overseen by healthcare professionals to help individuals achieve a healthy weight. It involves a combination of lifestyle changes, diet and medication. The programs are designed to address the underlying causes of obesity and provide a variety of tools that can be used for long-term success Dysport.

During the medically-supervised weight loss program, a patient will be given an initial assessment to determine their health status and needs. They will be provided with a customized medical plan that is specific to their individual circumstances. The plan will typically include nutritional education and counseling, behavioral modification techniques, exercise plans, trigger analysis and pharmacotherapy options, and a metabolic testing regimen. The physician will monitor the progress of each individual to make adjustments as needed.

The main goal of the program is to help the patient establish a new, healthy eating and activity routine that will lead to gradual weight loss over time. This will be achieved by combining an increased intake of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins with reduced carbohydrate consumption. The physician will work with the patient to develop an appropriate calorie allowance for their unique body.

In addition to the nutritional component of a medically-supervised weight loss program, the physician will often refer patients to an exercise specialist or physical therapist to help them create an individualized exercise plan that will increase the level of intensity in their workouts. This will help the patient build muscle mass while also burning more calories.

The final aspect of the medically-supervised weight loss program is that a patient will meet with their healthcare provider on a weekly basis. This will allow the physician to check in with the patient, monitor their progress and make any necessary changes to the medical plan, such as adjusting dosages or renewing prescriptions for medications.

While the benefits of Medical Weight Loss are clear, it is important for individuals to seek a qualified healthcare professional to ensure that they are a good candidate. This is particularly true for individuals who are obese, defined as having a body mass index of 30 or higher, although those who are overweight could also benefit from the program.

If you are interested in trying a medically-supervised weight loss program, contact Ciao Bella Medical Center and Spa in Newnan, GA today to schedule your first consultation. We look forward to helping you start your journey toward a healthier life!

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